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Questions tagged [appdata]

Use this tag when the topic is about the Windows %APPDATA% section of a user's directory. This can include information about how to find where specific programs store your individual settings.

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How to tell the program to look for its AppData/Local files in a flash drive it's installed on [closed]

I would like to install a software on a flash drive completely, without creating any local files on a PC (privacy purposes). I have installed the program on a flash drive and I have transferred its ...
Иван Лобачёв's user avatar
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Why files in AppData directories not adding to space left on drive

I have some backup files that get created from a game I play that are stored in the following directory: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.gameiplay\backups These backups can get relatively large in ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
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Windows wrongly shows my AppData\Local folder to be 500GB more

I plan to move my AppData folder to D: drive because I have more space following this: Can I move my AppData folder in Windows 10?. However when I try to copy the folder over before doing anything, ...
Luke Vo's user avatar
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Need Help To Copy "AppData" Folder Onto External Storage

I've asked around a number of forums to learn about the least-troublesome, most-straightforward means of backing up the "AppData" folder from an external laptop disk drive onto an external ...
AMartiniDon_790's user avatar
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How do I prevent a standard user from accessing or opening files in %appdatalocal%\Microsoft\Windows\iNetCache without interfering with app usage?

Without interfering with regular app/program usage, I am trying to prevent my non-admin user's access to: %appdatalocal%\Microsoft\Windows\iNetCache Use Case: preventing users (including me) from ...
TheWriteQuest's user avatar
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Run dialog doesn't open the folder inside subfolder of parent directory

I like working with the keyboard a lot, so I use the run dialog often. When I try to open a subfolder from the parent directory (from run dialog) I am able to open it. For example, if I type "...
who's user avatar
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Attempting to open AppData with Win + R and %appdata% but doesn't work

I have a laptop, specifically an Asus R540L, where I'm facing an issue when trying to open the AppData folder using the Win + R shortcut and inserting %appdata%. Instead of opening the folder, it ...
Peter Andres's user avatar
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Can programs installed on other hard drives be retrieved with new boot drive?

I am replacing my windows 10 SSD C:\, and since I only have one M.2 slot I have to reinstall Windows on the new one. However, I barely put anything on this drive; I installed every program to my HDD D:...
whimsicalities's user avatar
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Win10 %temp% (AppData\Local) directory seems to overflow & autodelete some folders periodically, which corrupts browser extensions and other software

I recently briefly changed my temp directory in an attempt to fix a problem with Python and Anaconda, but it's back to the default now (C:\Users\Rob\AppData\Local). I'm almost certain that's the ...
Rob B's user avatar
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Restore AppData overwritten files

History of issue: I was trying to restore my deleted tab history of Mozilla Firefox browser, which I didn't synchronize with my account, and I have made a LOT of mistakes. I tried to restore previous ...
Denis Berezniuk's user avatar
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How to import a Chrome extension's files from 6 years ago (I have the session data!)

In 2016, I would backup all my Chrome extension's current session data (the directory looks like this). I copy-pasted these files for few computer transfers and it worked every time - it got my ...
Lulupilled's user avatar
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Issue moving Local from Appdata to new drive (Windows 11)

As suggested in this this forum, I wanted to move Appdata/Local, Appdata/LocalLow and Appdata/Roaming to my D: drive by right clicking and going to Proprieties/Location and use the built in method to ...
Indiano's user avatar
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Would the contents of the AppData folder be retrievable from the hard drive of my old laptop?

When my previous laptop's motherboard malfunctioned, I thought I'd still be able to access my old data from my backups, but I couldn't find some of the specific items I was looking for. The repair ...
Starnes Student's user avatar
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How to revert ReadOnly permission changes on AppData folder?

Background I have Windows 11 Pro on a Lenevo Thinkpad T14. Today, I was trying to install some software. Long story short, I got an error that said "Cannot write to AppData folder", so being ...
nwsteg's user avatar
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Windows 10 -System has blocked Quicken from accessing the following file/folder: c:\users\Admin\AppData\roaming\Intuit so Quicken won't start up

Not sure why this is happening. Spent hours on the phone with Quicken, with no resolution. Two unexplained issues about this error. That folder - AppData\Roaming\Intuit doesn't exist and Quicken doesn'...
cbspaulding's user avatar
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Why does my old Firefox backup contain several screenshots of a fraction of my screen?

To start, a few innocent examples: As you can see, they seem to all capture the same "slice" of my screen. They are all in .png format and occupy the /AppData/Local/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/...
J. Mini's user avatar
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WindowsSearch not working

I decided to move AppData to D: and crated junction. I am not sure if it occurred because of this or because of Windows update shortly after, but ever since I am not able search for anything. I cannot ...
Dom's user avatar
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Moving Roaming folder

My C: is always full and the main reason is because of the Roaming folder, I see people on the Internet move it to another drive to save space. Is it really safe to do this? How to move it, I always ...
KhiemGOM's user avatar
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I moved the AppData folder, now the start menu and notifications menu isn't working. I have no idea why

I moved my AppData folder to my second drive to save space, and the system icons on my taskbar, including the system menu and networking menu, won't work anymore. I can't right click on applications ...
FlourToast's user avatar
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Why does a software which should be installed in AppData keep getting installed in program files(x86), is there a Windows configuration, to do so?

There is a custom built Excel plugin which is getting installed inside C:\Users\username\AppData\Local folder. That is the correct spot. But for some users it getting installed inside Program Files(...
Siba Boba's user avatar
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Windows 10 update erased %AppData%\Notepad++\backup; is there a way to restore unsaved files?

Today's update of Windows 10 erased Notepad++ [v7.9.1] folder %AppData%\Notepad++\backup and am aware that backup files can be a solution, but is there any way to get my unsaved tabs back? I've read ...
Giorgi Tsiklauri's user avatar
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Folder has gone missing from AppData, why?

I have an old SSD with a Windows 8.1 installation on it. I am trying to track down a cryptocoin wallet that I had been using back in 2014 and is typically stored in AppData\Roaming. The thing is, the ...
Luke's user avatar
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Problems with %AppData% folder

I have two drives in my computer, one SSD and one HDD, but the SSD was getting full so I moved %AppData% to the HDD to save space, using a symlink to link them, and navigating to %AppData% ...
RadiantMin3's user avatar
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Java (jre) doesn't work anymore, even eclipse won't startup

I have tried to change my java version.I wanted version 14.0.1. There is a version, it's still there in a dir in program files. But now, when type java -version in cmd, it's looking for '...
rolandl's user avatar
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Moving and merging AppData folders

About six years ago, I moved my AppData folder off my boot drive (an SSD) to an HDD. I've just started looking at my system, and I seem to have done something quite wrong. My AppData folder has been ...
KBKarma's user avatar
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What is the WebCache folder in AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/ Windows 10

I downloaded "WinDirStat" in order to clean up some space on my Windows 10 PC. This program orders directories in a tree view based on size. Immediately I saw my user folder was using almost ...
dahui's user avatar
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Were changes to the attributes of the AppData folder made in Windows 10 to hide it from Windows Explorer - even when hidden files/folders are enabled?

If choosing to show hidden files/folders from within the Folder Options of Windows Explorer in Windows 10, I've noticed that the "AppData" folder within "C:\Users\Username" isn't ...
user965995's user avatar
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Why do some Windows programs store user data directly in the User folder as opposed to AppData?

This is pretty infuriating to me. There isn't a consistency as to where things are stored. Isn't all that stuff (like .conda and .cache and .viminfo) supposed to be in AppData\Roaming? Almost nothing ...
gargoylebident's user avatar
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Secedit.exe stops working after denying execution permission to AppData directory

I'm using the following command to deny execution permission to the AppData directory: icacls $env:userprofile\AppData /deny "*S-1-1-0:(OI)(CI)(X)" The problem is, that after doing this, I'...
anderZubi's user avatar
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Is it possible to FIX the %AppData%/Roaming after moving it to different location

I moved %AppData%\Roaming\ to a different drive and realized afterward that Windows somehow lost access to %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\ (couldn't read and write), so I lost startup items and many ...
user1203429's user avatar
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What is the difference between "Root Directory" and "Local Directory" on Pale Moon's "about:profiles" page?

In about:profiles, it says for my default profile: Root Directory C:\Users\John Doe\AppData\Roaming\Moonchild Productions\Pale Moon\Profiles\blabla.default Local Directory C:\Users\John Doe\AppData\...
Ruther O.'s user avatar
11 votes
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What are "temp" folders used for in Windows 10?

I wanted to do disk cleanup myself and found a large folder in %localappdata% called Temp. I wondered if deleting the contents of it won't harm my computer. All I know about "temp" folders ...
kingofsponges's user avatar
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Where can I find the folder which houses the system applications that appear when right-clicking the windows logo on windows 10?

I've recently re-installed all my program files onto a new system through downloading them from the internet and installing them, while also copying the AppData folder, under Users/computer name/, ...
Obie A's user avatar
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Moving AppData to another drive

all I am trying to move AppData\Local, AppData\Roaming, and AppData\LocalLow to my D: drive. I know this is ill-advised by Microsoft, but if developers would be inclined to NOT store all there data in ...
Logan's user avatar
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Why does %appdata% point to the appdata folder of the administrator?

There's a Windows 10 computer on my network where %appdata% points to the %UserProfile%\AppData folder of the built-in Administrator. I log in as user X on the machine (X is not the built-in ...
Joe's user avatar
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Inaccessible windows account cannot logon

After a computer repair and some unwanted changes by third party persons i got my primary user account is not listed in switch users screen. The default administrator account activated and its the ...
payam_sbr's user avatar
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Manipulate AppData folder and fail install apps in Windows 10

I unhide AppData folder and change ownership settings and Windows fail in install/update apps from Store. Error: 0x80070005 I can't install programs from EXE MSI setup because they cant create ...
Fakhamatia's user avatar
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Is there any reason for an application to be installed in AppData on Win7?

I installed the Zoom Client for Meetings on a Win7 box. This software is a popular application used by many people (in other words, it's not just some shady random piece of software). What surprised ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
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Move Evernote folder to %USERPROFILE\AppData

I don't like application data clogging up my user folder, so I'm trying to move my Evernote folder, which contains the databases and the main logs, from the default location on the user folder to %...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Select drive for user folder

Is there a way for selecting a different drive for the user folder when installing windows 10 ? I don't want it to be in c:\ because appdata grows too big after some time and my primary drive is small....
DanielEsp's user avatar
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Windows 10 is it safe to remove AppData content from my user

I have Microsoft Windows 10 installed in 1st partition of size 100gb, from couple of months I have been running into low disks pace and for same reasons not my windows getting latest updates nor able ...
zzlalani's user avatar
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User authorities for different windows 7 users

I believe I have got into some authority problem - but I am stuck. My guess is that the problem ocured due to lack of disk space, which is fine by now. This is what I deal with: One of the admin ...
AD - Stop Putin -'s user avatar
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Why do I have a Roaming Profile? (Windows 7 & 10 HOME Editions)

I'm a little confused why it's looks like roaming profiles are enabled, but they are not. Profile Status in 'User Profiles' and WMIC say "Local", yet there's a Roaming folder (aka %appdata%) ...
ashleedawg's user avatar
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Why Program Files vs Program Files (x86) but no AppData vs AppData (x86)?

On Windows, depending on the bit-ness of an installed program, it will go to Program Files or Program Files (x86). Additionally, many installation programs give you the option to install "For all ...
Hau's user avatar
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Appdata/Local/Packages- safe to remove?

Trying to make sapce on my C drive. I see that my Appdata/Local/Packages folder is almost 20GB! Is it safe to delete this? If not, can it be 'pruned' without affecting installed applications?
Bachalo's user avatar
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Where does Anki store media?

Where does Anki store media such as pictures, sound recordings, etc? I have tried to export the deck, but it doesn't show the location:
Ooker's user avatar
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How to generically refer to the AppData folder on the Windows command line?

The original User's Profile directory lives in a directory like C:\Users\username\AppData. How can I refer to the current user's profile directory when using the Windows command line? By searching I ...
super's user avatar
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