Linked Questions

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Why is Windows Vista slow? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What are the first steps for diagnosing a slow machine? Why does my computer run fast after a clean install? I am using Windows Vista. It has been installed for over two ...
Selena Jain's user avatar
16 votes
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How do I troubleshoot a Windows 7 freeze or slowness? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What are the first steps for diagnosing a slow machine? I have a new pc with windows 7 which freezes randomly. I hit every single key on the keyboard and it works again. Is ...
Jason Martin's user avatar
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Windows 7 very slow on loading programs or accessing files [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Slow Machine! What can I check? For the last couple of days, I start having some problem with Windows 7. I do development, with VS 2008 / Sql Server 2008, and in the last ...
bzamfir's user avatar
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3 answers

Problem with laptop too slow [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Slow Machine! What can I check? I just bought a new hard disk for my compaq laptop. I reformatted the hard disk and installed windows 7 32-bit on it. I have 2Gb of RAM and a ...
soul's user avatar
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How do I determine what is causing intermittent freezes? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I troubleshoot a Windows 7 freeze or slowness? My machine has been freezing about once a month. How can I determine what the problem is? I've run the boot time MS ...
Scott Weinstein's user avatar
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Laptop running super slow all of a sudden? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What are the first steps for diagnosing a slow machine? Can anyone help, my laptop has started running very slow! things take forever to open, especially outlook and internet ...
Doug Andreocci's user avatar
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New Computer freezing up at random [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I troubleshoot a Windows 7 freeze or slowness? How to diagnose repeated freezing of windows 7 (comes back alive in few seconds) Since I built my system about 4 weeks ...
Benjamin Frost's user avatar
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Windows 7 freezes randomly a few times per hour [duplicate]

I've been having some issues with Windows 7 lately and have scoured as many relevant forum threads Google can muster up, but to no avail. The problem seems somewhat common among users, but each ...
TheOneAlex's user avatar
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Work Desktop is extremely slow, can't figure out why [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What are the first steps for diagnosing a slow machine? So I received this HP Desktop at work, running WindowsXP SP3, specs are good enough for XP, with a good video card: ...
KoKo's user avatar
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Disk intermittently goes to 100% actviity - system pauses [duplicate]

Windows 8.1 system. Sometimes the disk suddenly go 100% highest active time for 1 or 2 seconds, and at the same time CPU usage goes down. During these period, screen processing does not work any ...
user477371's user avatar
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Windows 7 slows down badly after staying for night [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: What are the first steps for diagnosing a slow machine? I don't switch off the computer at work when I go home. I run Firefox, some IDE's and Skype. These programs are most ...
glaz666's user avatar
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Laptop freezes for a few minutes then resumes [duplicate]

This laptop has 3 years of use. After Windows 7 boots it starts having this freezing "waves" that last for a few seconds to a few minutes. I can use it again for a few seconds or minutes and then it ...
Gustavo's user avatar
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Win8 multiple freezes [duplicate]

On the Win8 machiene of a friend of mine he recently started experiencing short freezes. This includes his keyboard, mouse, teamspeak, and he appears to have a low framerate on games, even though the ...
Urinprobe's user avatar
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Troubleshooting a freezing PC? [duplicate]

I've read tons of threads like this one, but I haven't come to a solution yet. I have a PC that I bought back in 2012, which has been having issues over the last few years. Lately I've just resorted ...
Nils's user avatar
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Analyzing Windows 7 intermittent freezes [duplicate]

For a few weeks now, my Windows 7 installation has been showing intermittent freezes. Typically, the currently focused application window will freeze for up to 7 seconds, but I can still switch to a ...
warakawa's user avatar
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