I have a single text string with words separated by spaces, e.g. "blah cah nah....".

Say I would like to split this into n words by m columns, i.e., a word per cell. I know I can use text to columns to get the m columns, but how about the rows? I could hash together a cut and paste macro that'd do it, but are there any built in functions that could do the same thing?

  • I don't follow - what do you mean by m columns?
    – Mike Honey
    Commented Jul 4, 2015 at 3:45

1 Answer 1


Something like the following should work:

  1. Use text to columns to get everything in a single row.

  2. Use transpose to change the single row into a single column.

  3. Use transpose again to split the single column into multiple columns.

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