If I’ve got a .tar archive, and when I extract it, it gives me a single folder foo containing some more stuff, like this:


Is there a way I can modify the .tar command to “skip” the root folder (foo in this case) and just extract all the contents of that folder directly into my cwd like this:


1 Answer 1


Easy. Just use --strip-components=1 on the archive like this:

tar -xf archive.tar --strip-components=1

And as explained in the official tar man page:


strip NUMBER leading components from file names on extraction

With the logic being that if a path consists of foo/something.txt then the first “component” of that path would be foo/ so --strip-components=1 would effectively drop the foo/ from the path foo/something.txt.

  • 4
    I'd advise only using this for tar files that you know the structure of. Note that --strip-components will not just strip leading directories, if you had a tar file that didn't have a directory as its top level entry (e.g., if the contents of the tar file were [file1.txt, somedirectory/] this command would not extract file1.txt. I haven't found a method that only strips a top level directory without causing problems with other kinds of tar files that just have plain files as their top level entry.
    – jrh
    Commented Apr 28, 2020 at 15:33
  • 1
    Wouldn't have thought tar would work with zip files, but it did.
    – C1pher
    Commented Jun 30, 2022 at 18:15
  • @jrh maybe tar -tf archive.tar | grep -v '/' || tar -xf archive.tar --strip-components=1?
    – CervEd
    Commented May 22 at 21:25

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