I used CCleaner on my pc and restarted.

After I restarted I opened Notepad++ and was told that config.xml was gone.

Afterwards, my previous opened .txt document was opened but the font and spacing was all wrong. I was able to fix font but not the spacing.

The new spacing is:

enter image description here

and I want it changed back to:

enter image description here

I tried Settings -> Preferences -> Editing but no luck.

3 Answers 3


To change the line spacing go to SettingsStyle Configurator.

On the left select Global Styles under Language then Brace Highlight Style under Style and then change the Font size.

enter image description here

  • Similar answer, but with animated picture: stackoverflow.com/a/32284964/873282
    – koppor
    Commented Mar 1, 2016 at 10:43
  • 1
    This option has a really strange name, I could never have figured this out. Thanks. Commented Jan 24, 2018 at 23:03
  • I think that setting's font size was meant to be empty (top entry in Font size dropdown). Then the line spacing will follow font size in Default Style. I added an answer reflecting that.
    – Marc
    Commented Oct 5, 2020 at 18:22

This fix wouldn't work for me, so I kept trying and I found what would work for me in the Settings>Style Configurator>Language: Global Style in the left field and Style: Line Number Margin' in the right field; from there, just change the font size on the far right.

  • Didn't help here with size <= 7pt. The answer by @Ayan helped me.
    – koppor
    Commented Mar 1, 2016 at 10:39
  • Helped me. nice work around!
    – neolei
    Commented Jun 15, 2018 at 5:32
  • 1
    this trick works on me, I choose the size on Line Number Margin bigger than my font size, and it works
    – Thinh NV
    Commented Mar 28, 2020 at 1:54
  • I found that setting both "Line number margin" and "Brace highlight style" to have Font Size empty (the top entry in dropdown), made it so line spacing would follow the font size I set in "Default Style".
    – Marc
    Commented Oct 5, 2020 at 18:24

Building on the answers by Ayan and Myrtle, I think what's happening is Style settings with Font size set to a number will force the line spacing to a minimum of that size, which makes no sense for some settings. If you go through the Style settings, you will see most have nothing in the box for Font size.

What you want is to clear the sizes from settings that should not have them, that way the font size specified under Default Style will control the line spacing as well as font size. Go to Language Global Styles → Style Brace highlight style. In the Font size box, click on the dropdown and note the top entry in the list is blank. Select that; now the box should be empty and it will not affect the line spacing. I think the default style is not meant to have a number there. Do the same for Style Line number margin.

Now go to Style Default Style. As you change Font size you should see the line spacing follow the font size correctly.

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