I have a file server running (SMB) that I connected to in Explorer (Windows 7 Professional) by visiting \\ directly. I logged in as one user, without saving credentials, and now wish to log out (actually I want to change to a different user, but being able to log out in general would be useful).

I have searched around for ways to do this and found a bunch of info that suggests using some form of net use \\ /del:

However, none of these actually seemed to work for me. I run net use * /del, then use net use to verify that the list is empty, and yet the share mysteriously remains in explorer, unaffected, accessible, and still using the previous login.

Another thing I tried, which also failed, was doing e.g. net use \\ /user:newusername to switch the credentials. However, even when net use showed an empty connection list, this still produced an error stating that multiple connections to the same resource with different users were not allowed - why there were connections that didn't show up in net use's list is a mystery to me.

I then found this article How to logout from shared folder (microsoft.com), which recommends:

  1. net use * /del (or whatever server).
  2. Clear credentials from Credential Manager.
  3. Restart the Workstation service.

This procedure worked for me. There was nothing of interest in the Credential Manager, as I did not save credentials, however restarting the Workstation service after clearing the connections with net was the key (I did have to close all explorer windows to get the service to restart).

My question is: This is not very convenient at all, especially when I have to explain it to less tech-savvy users. While I could certainly create e.g. a batch script to automate the whole thing, is there an actual, proper, consistent way to do this that doesn't involve restarting services (and possibly doesn't involve the command line, although personally I don't mind)?

Also, a sub-question: It is weird to me that the vast majority of resources I found on this matter didn't suggest restarting Workstation, and the suggested process of using net use alone seemed to work at least for the other people who posted comments on those posts. Is the Workstation restart unique to me and indicative of some other issue on my machine, or was it just left out of all the instructions for some reason? Only the microsoft.com support post had instructions that recommended this step, which is what finally got it working for me.

Logging out of a share seems like it would be a common enough use case to justify some simple way to do it, so I am baffled by how difficult it was for me to figure this out.

Other things I've tried with no effect:

  • Closing all Explorer windows before and after using net use commands (as suggested in Kody Browns's answer), as well as futzing with the "separate process per folder window" settings hoping it was some sort of per-process credential caching (also inspired by that answer).
  • Changing homegroup connection management settings (suggested by holmzi_online's answer at the above microsoft.com post).
  • Killing all explorer processes (including the main one) and restarting explorer after net use * /del (suggested by Robert Greer here, although that issue was with mapped drives).
  • 1
    @sttr Thanks, but I'm not sure I see the connection between this and that article. Can you give a hint?
    – Jason C
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 15:09
  • 1
    @STTR Thanks. How does hiding folders from unauthorized users or setting up a WebDAV server help log out of a SMB share accessed by typing \\address?
    – Jason C
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 16:41
  • 1
    @STTR The question is, as the title implies, how to log out from a shared folder (SMB, which is what Windows uses for "shared folders") without restarting the Workstation service (see also, "I logged in as one user, without saving credentials, and now wish to log out"). I'm not adding WebDAV to my servers, nor can I add WebDAV services to servers I have no control over, nor am I clear on how that solves the problem of logging out conveniently. Do you know how to log out of a shared folder?
    – Jason C
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 17:00
  • 1
    Did you try disconnecting from the IPC$ share on the target computer explicitly? Something like net use \\server\IPC$ /delete.
    – Daniel B
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 17:16
  • 1
    Five years later, Windows 10 Enterprise, same problem. However, your post is the first I've heard of stopping Workstation, so thanks for that. I knew about deleting credentials from the vault and deleting open connections in net use, but like you often found I was still logged into the network drive. For me, when I tried stopping Workstation from a cmd line it informed me I had to stop "Netlogon" and "Computer Browser" services as well. After doing so, and restarting all three, I'm finally disconnected.
    – SSilk
    Commented May 10, 2021 at 20:36

7 Answers 7


Start -> Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety -> User Accounts -> Manage your credentials.

Expand one of your "Windows Credentials", and then click on "Remove from vault".

Start -> Control Panel

Control Panel -> User Accounts and Family Safety

User Accounts and Family Safety -> User Accounts

User Accounts -> Manage your credentials

Log out


  • Even Faster: [start-menu] - type "cred" and it should find Credentials Manager straight off. This is what worked for me so thank you.
    – Criggie
    Commented Nov 4, 2021 at 23:19
  • For whose like me, who wanted to change the user and, for some reason couldn't find the credentials in the Control Panel, you can overwrite previous user by a new user with : net use [IP] /user:[corporate]\[username] [password]
    – Salem
    Commented Nov 16, 2022 at 13:45

I got it working by doing the following:

  1. Run net use * /delete
  2. Clear the credentials (e.g. mine is, and the date of create is today, just it)
  3. Disable "local connect" (Control Panel\Networking and Internet\Net Connect\Local Connect)
  4. Wait a moment (I don't why but I think it may break some links from my Win7 to Ubuntu and may clear some cache)
  5. Enable "local connect" and it worked..
  • 3
    What do you mean by "Clear the credentials" and how do you do that?
    – Calimo
    Commented Jul 12, 2017 at 7:29
  • 1
    "Clear the credentials" is entirely unclear here. Commented May 9, 2018 at 17:26
  • I think its a reference to the prompt you get after entering the net use * /delete command: Continuing will cancel the connections. Do you want to continue this operation? (Y/N).
    – Jet Blue
    Commented May 20, 2020 at 4:33
  • For step 2 me it worked by clearing them from the Credential Manager (type it in the search box), inside the web credentials section. There I found the credentials for shared drives connections
    – Alex L
    Commented Mar 5, 2021 at 17:30

Not an answer but too long for a comment:

This happened to me. For me, the local computer is Windows 10 21H2 and the remote computer is Windows 7.

Special case maybe: remote computer had "advanced sharing settings" - "public folder sharing" - as ON. This means, first time I went to \\COMPUTERNAME it logged in as "guest". No username / password prompt.

I know I was guest, because from the local computer on the remote computer I made a file in c:\users\public\public documents\ (which is accessible as guest) and then checked the owner of that file using properties - security - advanced - owner. (Note, the guest account displays as off in user accounts - manage accounts. I guess it's still active for network login though.)

So if I had first tried to access a protected resource, I might have been forced to provide a username password and then I probably would not have noticed this issue.

Note, I can confirm I also have no cached credentials listed in credential manager. However, other people on the internet do, and removing those fixes it for them (eg: https://serverfault.com/questions/911503/how-to-log-out-from-network-path). I wonder if I don't because I'm logged in as guest. So there's not really a credential. But then again there is enough of one I can't use another. But this would be a different situation than OP who logged in explicitly the first time (unless somehow he still logged in as guest? In which case the access requirements of the first thing you try to access remotely may play a role here.)

And I tried all these and they didn't work and all said "network connection could not be found":

net use \\COMPUTERNAME /delete
net use \\COMPUTERNAME\IPC$ /delete
net use \\COMPUTERNAME\ADMIN$ /delete
net use * /delete

One more tidbit: on the local computer I used Process Explorer to search for a string among all processes and I searched for the remote computer name. It yielded an open file handle in the svchost for the Workstation service. Force-closing that handle via procexp did not help, unfortunately.

But I believe it lends strength to the suspicion that the Workstation service is caching these credentials in an inaccessible way.

So for me, restarting the Workstation (aka LanmanWorkstation) service fixed it. (Note: you can't really do this in powershell, at least v5.1. Because Workstation has dependent services. You'd have to extract those, find out which ones are running, stop them, store that list, restart LanmanWorkstation -force (which I believe causes dependent services to die ungracefully), then restart the dependent services that were running previously. Oh, and do this recursively for all dependents of dependents and so on. However, services.msc does it all for you. For me the only dependent service that services.msc restarted was Computer Browser aka browser)

  • Thanks for this btw. It's crazy to me that 3 major versions and 7 years later, this is still a challenge. Good sleuthing with procexp. Happy New Year!
    – Jason C
    Commented Jan 1, 2022 at 20:23

2) You are not alone in this issue. Most people probably never experience it because they only have one user and/or multiple users but all with the same password. I seem to experience it all the time. I'm assuming it is because I have the same user name on multiple computers but with different passwords.. (I am not in a domain; laptop is Windows 8.1 with Windows and Linux-based servers..)

(from memory) If I open the root share of a computer, such as \raspi, before accessing a locked down share such as \raspi\private I will have that issue. It seems that a connection is made using the public/open share first and then it gets stored.

As for 1), I only need to close the Explorer windows and (sometimes command prompts) that have accessed that share. I have never had to restart the workstation service.

But it may work for me because I always tell Windows to "launch folder windows in a separate process"..

Just a thought..

  • Thanks!! I was really hoping your suggestion of closing the explorer windows would be the simple fix (I also have separate processes per folder windows), maybe some per-process cached credentials. Unfortunately, that didn't do the trick, nor did disabling separate processes per window. I also didn't see any change in behavior if I tried to access \\\Share first instead of the root (also no difference in accessing by host name rather than IP). I'm also not in a domain, and using Windows and Linux based servers. Something is saving credentials or connections, but I don't know what.
    – Jason C
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 23:54
  • 1
    Another data point: Regardless of the process-per-folder settings, killing all explorer processes (including the main one) and restarting explorer also had no effect, which surprised me.
    – Jason C
    Commented Mar 1, 2015 at 0:04
  • I am about to play around with my environment a little bit to test this out more, and had a thought.. your windows (explorer, command prompt, etc.) are all Elevated or all not, right? I've been frustrated many times when I didn't realize or forgot one of my apps was elevated.. It does some weird things to network shares...
    – kodybrown
    Commented Mar 1, 2015 at 17:10
  • The account I have been using is an administrator and everything is elevated. I created a new non-administrator account and tested from there, the behavior is unchanged.
    – Jason C
    Commented Mar 2, 2015 at 0:47

Following the instructions at Resolving a Windows Error 1219 from Altaro.com worked for me. In particular, downloading Process Explorer, choosing Find/Find Handle or DLL, and searching for the name of my server revealed that opening a Windows Explorer window with quick links to the server immediately re-established a connection to the server such that net use \\server fails with Error 1219. When Process Explorer shows no active handles, net use \\server succeeds.

  • Your answer could be improved with additional supporting information. Please edit to add further details, such as citations or documentation, so that others can confirm that your answer is correct. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Jun 8, 2022 at 11:26

This might be a long shot, but did you wait long enough after using net use * /d? As far as I know, even after deleting the share, Windows keeps the session open if there are open handles (Explorer window, etc.). And even after closing those handles, there is a time-out period during which it will reconnect the share. The default seems to be 10-15 minutes. You can shorten this in the registry.

See https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20110223-00/?p=11413

However, it seems that "KeepConn" is no longer used in newer versions of Windows. See "Idle Connection Timer" on this page: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/openspecification/archive/2013/03/19/cifs-and-smb-timeouts-in-windows.aspx

net use * /del
net stop Workstation /Y
cmdkey /delete:<resourcename>
net start Workstation
net start browser

Way 2: use Multiple NetBIOS names for one computer:

reg add "HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters" /v OptionalNames /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d "NetBIOSName01\0 NetBIOSName02\0 NetBIOSName03\0"

Then you can connect the resources of different users using different NetBIOS names.

net use L: \\NetBIOSName01 /user:<username01> <password01> /P:Yes
net use M: \\NetBIOSName02 /user:<username02> <password02> /P:Yes
net use N: \\NetBIOSName03 /user:<username03> <password03> /P:Yes

Edit %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\lmhosts and add

<Server IP>  NetBIOSName01            #PRE
<Server IP>  NetBIOSName02            #PRE
<Server IP>  NetBIOSName03            #PRE
<Server IP>  <OriginalNetBIOSname>            #PRE

in all network workstation

All users will connect to its resources.

  • As per question title, this doesn’t answer the question.
    – Daniel B
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 17:13
  • Thanks, but this restarts the Workstation service. I mentioned this in the question, but I already know I can automate the restart with a script. Actually, I posted roughly the same command set at superuser.com/a/883606/245945. What I'm actually looking for is detailed where I wrote "question" and "sub-question" in bold in my post.
    – Jason C
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 17:17
  • @JasonC The original cause of all these actions System error 1219?
    – STTR
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 18:04
  • @STTR The original cause is a desire to log out without restarting services. The results of my attempts are described in my post.
    – Jason C
    Commented Feb 28, 2015 at 23:23
  • @STTR Thanks. The update is interesting and I appreciate your time, but I am unclear about the connection. I'm not trying to map drives or log in with multiple users at the same time. I'm simply trying to log out of a share originally accessed by going directly to \\address. It doesn't necessarily even need to be to switch users. Perhaps I'm just stepping away from the computer and I don't want to leave the share logged in. How will logging in as multiple users over multiple shared drives help to log out of a shared folder without restarting services?
    – Jason C
    Commented Mar 1, 2015 at 0:44

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