In an environment where the Security tab in Properties is disabled and cannot be enabled, is there an alternative way to display the permissions on a folder?

What if the user has normal command line access without admin privileges?

  • Able to access command prompt?
    – CharlesH
    Commented Oct 3, 2014 at 13:29

1 Answer 1


You can use Powershell and the Get-Acl command

PS D:\> Get-Acl


Path              Owner                            Access  
----              -----                            ------  
D:\               NT SERVICE\TrustedInstaller      Everyone Allow  FullControl

Use it in conjunction with Get-ChildItem (aliased with dir and ls) to get the permissions for the files.

PS D:\> Get-ChildItem | Get-Acl
Or, using the alias:
PS D:\> Get-Acl | fl

PS D:\> Dir | Get-Acl

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