The first time I used Chrome on this computer I mistakenly typed in the URL/Search textbox "C/#" instead of "C#" and now eveytime I write a sentence that starts with "C#" it "auto-corrects" it to the C/#, and since it's the first word in the URL box the browser thinks it's a protocol name (e.g http://, ftp://, etc...).

I read online that you can select the entry and press SHIFT + DELETE but it won't work...

How can I remove it? Please help.


1 Answer 1


You didn't mistakenly type C/#, it's actually an older bug that resurfaced.

See https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=409845 (reported Sept 2).

Or here (reported Aug 21st)

Another user had this problem too here.

Chrome developers are already working on it so it should be fixed soon.

  • Oh really? How did you manage to find this? Anyway thanks a lot! I spend hours trying to solve it...
    – UnTraDe
    Commented Oct 5, 2014 at 8:20

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