I have opened a link on my FaceBook and downloaded an executable file, unfortunately i run this file, now my browser automatically opens a new tabs that go to some one site which contains a counter like this photo:

enter image description here

then this site redirects me to the adfly site. also this virus makes an icon in the task bar called "Shutdown Windows" when i right click this icon i have three options Restore, Minimize and Exit. Exit makes my computer shutdown!!

How to remove this virus?

I'm using Win7

  • 1
    Go to ninite.com, download Avira and Malware bytes and let both programs take care of it. You could also check if you can do a system restore to a date before you installed the virus. It greatly depends on what virus it exactly is whether this option would be successful.
    – Jakke
    Commented Jul 20, 2014 at 21:55
  • You're going to get a lot of recommendations for different things, only follow one of those recommendations. Personally I'd say malwarebytes to start, but once you get malware you might as well back up what you can and just wipe the machine for ease of mind.
    – Rogue
    Commented Jul 21, 2014 at 1:04

2 Answers 2


To remove most adds use:

To scan the computer for viruses use:


I'd use combofix before anything else but Andie2302's suggestions are good too. Note this won't work on windows 8 or 8.1 but anything below it will.


I've used a lot of different tools for this purpose and combofix has always done the best job imo.

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