I would like to copy my netbook recovery parition to a bootable external HDD because two of my partitions were damaged including the partition which contained the Master Boot Record. I wasn't able to repair the mbr but I needed the machine so I installed a Win 8 on it but now I want to reinstall the factory win 7 which is on the offline recovery partition but I don't know how can I copy it to a bootable drive.

  • you should be able to use the same MBR that Win 8 uses.
    – Malachi
    Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 19:01

2 Answers 2


You could use clonezilla, it's a live-Linux for cloning partitions and drives. It its possible to clone a partition directly from one device (netbook HDD) to another device (external HDD).

Official clonezilla website

  • Can i make the copy bootable with clonezilla? because I said the mbr was damaged. Or does the recovery image contain the necessary boot files?
    – Laci K
    Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 17:45
  • I think clonezilla itself is not usable to create a MBR; I just found [Parted Magic(partedmagic.com), which also contains gparted for partitioning and install-mbr for creating a MBR. The recovery image should contain boot files, but the partition information is stored in the MBR.
    – Graphfoto
    Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 18:09

what you could do is copy it over to the External HDD and then use something like Hiren's BootCD or something similar to boot the computer to the External HDD, it's been a while since I messed with that stuff, but I remember that there is a way to boot up and then it asks you what Disk you want to boot up into or something similar to that.

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