Trying to share my cable connection with some wireless only devices.

Windows 7 Professional Service Pack 1.

A wired and a Wireless network cards.

Connected via the Wired.

There is no option to create an adHoc network.

This is a IT managed machine, so it may be disabled. but microsoft or my company IT grunts knows nothing about it.

enter image description here

enter image description here

any ideas if it is disabled by IT or if i'm just missing something?

1 Answer 1


Check this video may be it will be helpfull.

  • summary of the video: you have to enable your wireless device. Mine is already enabled. thanks. upvotnig as it might be a solution for someone else. but for me, as you can see on the device manager scree nshot, it was already enabled.
    – gcb
    Commented May 6, 2014 at 17:40

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