I'm using NetBeans on Ubuntu. When I select text, it's automatically copied to the clipboard. How can I disable this?

  • Why disable ? Security issue or comfort related ?
    – totti
    Commented Jan 19, 2014 at 9:32
  • Its for comfort
    – Evanss
    Commented Jan 20, 2014 at 14:21
  • Content get pasted when you press Middle button of your mouse. So avoid accidentally pressing Middle button. If you are using laptop pressing Button 1 +Button 2 = Middle button
    – totti
    Commented Jan 21, 2014 at 6:17

2 Answers 2


The issue is not related to netbeans, but to the way that the X Server handles the clipboard. In fact X has many clipboards available (they are called selection); as soon as you select some data it gets copied to the selection named PRIMARY which is different CLIPBOARD, the latter is the selection that is used when you do the usual Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V thing.
I'm not aware of any way to disable this behaviour (though I'd be happy do be proven wrong).

See the relevant Wikipedia page for details


To disable this feature you may need to edit the X window manger to disable loading text to PRIMARY and it cost a lots of time & energy.

Content get pasted from PRIMARY when you press Middle button of your mouse. So the best way is to avoid accidentally pressing Middle button. If you are using laptop pressing Button 1 +Button 2 = Middle button

Let's do a dirty trick.
Open a terminal and run following command

while :; do echo -n '' | xclip -selection primary -i ; sleep 0.3; done

Remember this will also disable selection of text

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