I'm having some trouble with Wake on LAN through PHY and unicast. I'm able to wake the system by pinging or sshing the shut down machine, but only within the first ~30 seconds. Why's that, what could be the cause?

I put a script 70wol into /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d and made it executable, it obviously is executed since it works:

ethtool -s eth0 wol pug

I'm on Debian Testing, NIC is Intel I217-V on an Intel DH87RL, Driver is Intel 2.5.4 e1000e.ko

This works perfectly with a Windows 8.1 system, so I guess it's some sort of driver or OS issue.

1 Answer 1


Ok, silly me did not think about the fact, that Windows and Linux per default have an ARP timeout of exactly 30 seconds as one can see by doing a

netsh interface ipv4 show interface 2

in cmd.exe, where the 2 has to be replaced with the Idx of your NIC, one gets by issuing

netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces

On Linux type

cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/default/base_reachable_time_ms

in your bash, to see the default ARP timeout in milliseconds.

So the solution would be to set a static ARP address in order to wake a system through SSH or SMB or whatever. To do this do a

arp -s 00-10-54-CA-E1-40

on Windows and a

arp -s 00:10:54:CA:E1:40

on your Linux system.

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