I'm using RequestPolicy in Firefox and I'd like to whitelist all the domains of the form of xxx.cloudfront.net.

A quick search with google seem to indicate that it should support wildcards; I tried to manually whitelist *.cloudfront.net, but it doesn't work.

Is it because of the revision ? I'm using 0.5.28 which should be the latest (as it appears from the linked web page).

2 Answers 2


Wildcard are supported by RequestPolicy, but only on version 1, which is currently in Beta.

Installing the beta version from here solved my problem


If Base domain is selected in RequestPolicy Options > General, you can then include cloudfront.net in RequestPolicy Options > Whitelist: Destinations to get the wildcard whitelist effect for the domain + subdomains.


  • 1
    I tried this too, but it doesn't work. Commented Nov 9, 2013 at 18:02

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