I hope this is the right place to ask such a silly question, but here goes (I would've used IRC for this, if I could've found a channel for KeePass).

So, I just installed KeePass 2, and on first launch the application asked me something probably important, but I accidentally clicked the "deny"-button, before I had the chance to read what it was about!

Can anyone tell me what KeePass asks on startup? (And possibly if I can/should enable it in settings?)

(I tried uninstalling & reinstalling the app, but it didn't ask it anymore!)

Thanks a lot!

2 Answers 2


As memory serves, it asks what method of authentication you would like to use to access your passwords:

  • Computer Account
  • Password
  • Key File

More info can be found from keypass:

  • In the link you posted, it says: "On first launch of KeePass it will prompt you to enable (default) or disable automatic checks for updates." I believe it was just that. Thanks! Commented Sep 23, 2013 at 5:51

Maybe you want to remove the directory C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\KeePass or the file KeePass.config.xml inside instead of re-installing.

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