In Windows I could easily do this by navigating the directory tree and looking at the sizes. But in Linux, you need to run a command and, what's worse, it takes a lot of time:

$ du -sh /some/dir

I'm using a disk of 1 TB, but for some reason I only have like 50 GB left, and I can't seem to find what's taking so much space.

I remember that in Ubuntu I had to manually remove old kernel images. But now I'm on Fedora and dpkg -l | grep linux-image doesn't work, and I guess Fedora removes them automatically anyway.

Any ideas?


2 Answers 2


You can try to find big files in your disk with a command such as:

find . -size +100M -type f -exec ls -lh {} \;

In this example, only files with 100 Mega Bytes (units of 1048576 bytes) or more are displayed. That value can be tweaked as you please.

  • btw - since you want to avoid processing /proc .. I made the following adjustment to your command: for dname in *; do if [ $dname != "proc" ]; then find $D -size +10M -type f -exec ls -lh {} \;; fi; done (presumes running from /)
    – warren
    Commented Jun 6, 2014 at 2:50

You can use this

$ du -h --max-depth=1  

You can use with tree also

tree -h >> file    

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