I heavily use Sysinternals Desktops version 2 to manage multiple desktops. In the past, I used Internet Explorer 9 as this was the only web browser I found that could function across multiple desktops. However, I've upgraded to IE10 on Windows 7 and now I can't seem to open IE across multiple desktops.

The same issue is noted by someone else here, but no solution was found: http://forum.sysinternals.com/desktops-v2-broken-by-win8-or-win7-with-ie10_topic29162.html

Non-starter answers are to use other multi-desktop apps that do not use use multiple Windows desktop objects. I find other solutions involving showing/hiding windows to be slow/unreliable.

Is there a way to get any of the major web browsers working simultaneously on multiple Windows desktop objects, such as used by Sysinternals Desktops?

  • You will have to wait until the application is updated to support IE10. You don't get to eliminate solutions that can solve the problem you face for other people. Just because those other tools are not an option for YOU doesn't meant hey are not possible solutions for other people.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Apr 23, 2013 at 11:41
  • @Ramhound: Then what, exactly, are you proposing? The problem is that IE10 doesn't support multiple Windows desktop objects any more; Sysinternals Desktops is just a thin wrapper around a public Windows API. Commented Apr 23, 2013 at 12:33
  • How have you determined that IE10 no longer supports multiple Windows desktop objects. Its unlike Microsoft to discontinue support for something like this without notice.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Apr 23, 2013 at 12:59
  • @Ramhound: If you think it still does, can you help me out instead of downvoting me? (if you were the downvoter) I was unable to locate any statement from Microsoft about this, and my experience has matched that of the person on the Sysinternals forum: the browser only opens on one desktop at a time now - attempts to launch a new browser on another desktop just open a new window on the first desktop, oddly enough. I also wonder why you deleted some of the tags for my question, even though they are applicable? The deleted tags are more general and have more followers than the ones you left. Commented Apr 23, 2013 at 14:31
  • You are using Windows 7 and IE10 your problem is isolated to those conditions. If you read the descriptions of those tags they should only be used if the problem applies to ALL versions of IE and ALL versions of Windows which your problem does not. I would contact Mark Russinovich who has a blog who can answer the reason this bug exists.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Apr 23, 2013 at 15:27

1 Answer 1


An old question but it still shows up on Google, so:

The solution is to add the "-noframemerging" switch to the internet explorer shortcut.

Clicking the shortcut will now open IE in the current Desktop window (albeit more slowly than normal).


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