Seemingly at random, deleting files from Windows Explorer in Windows 7 does not cause the deleted files to disappear unless the window is refreshed. This appears to be a well-known issue according to this Google search.

However, if you browse through the links, you will notice that they lead to discussions lasting up to 8 pages consisting of almost nothing but newbies chiming in with has anyone found the answer to this yet and none of these solutions worked for me? Honestly, I don't have it in me to spend a couple hours paging through discussion threads and trying every single solution that is suggested like edit the registry and reboot or turn off these Microsoft services and reboot, so I come to the experts of SE to see if someone can give the world the one solution to this problem.


1 Answer 1


Open up regedit and take a look at the hives:




In there you should find a key for "DontRefresh". If the value is 1, then change it to 0. You also did not specify whether you're on a 32 or 64bit version of Windows. The given paths are for 64-bit Windows, but should you be on 32-bit, just omit the "Wow6432Node" portions of each path. That's the solution I had work for me the last time I had this issue, but sadly it doesn't seem to guarantee a resolve for everyone.

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