I installed Windows 8 (which was pre-installed) on my machine. Later, I installed Fedora 17, but the Windows loader must have been damaged. Then, I cannot see the Windows boot, I can only see GRUB.

I then downloaded the Windows 8 (evaluation copy) ISO image, and I started with this DVD. On the command line, I followed the solution proposed by How can I repair the Windows 8 EFI Bootloader? (so, I created a new boot CD). Unfortunately, it doesn't work for me.

I had to repair the GRUB, and surprisingly, a line for Windows 8 appears on my GRUB. But, when I try to boot Windows 8 (using GRUB), it returns:

"Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or sofware change might be the cause.
.... File: \Boot\BCD
Status: 0x000025
Info: The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors."

I've tried repeating the procedure again.

Using the Windows console (after starting with the Windows 8 installation DVD, evaluation copy), I did:

- I mounted the EFI partition at B:.
$ cd /d b:\EFI\Microsoft\Boot 
$ del BCD
$ bootrec /fixboot
$ bootrec /scanos (it found my Windows installation)
$ bootrec /rebuilbcd (I added the entry for the Win installation)
$ bcdboot c:\windows /l en-gb /s b: /f ALL

...but the result is the same, when I try to start Windows 8, it shows:

"Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or sofware change might be the cause. .... File: \Boot\BCD Status: 0x000025 Info: The Boot Configuration Data for your PC is missing or contains errors."

I think the problem comes from the re-partitioning of partition C:. After installing Windows 8, I created a new partition from C: (for installing Linux). The partition for Linux is a EXT4, obviously created when I installed Linux. Then, my Windows boot loader crashed.

Any clues?

  • Just use the Windows Repair Console.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Feb 7, 2013 at 12:08
  • So, did you repair it ? I want to know because I have this problem now ..
    – Amr Ayman
    Commented Jan 28, 2015 at 13:45

1 Answer 1


have you tried doing

Bootrec.exe bcdedit /export C:\BCD_Backup c: cd boot attrib bcd -s -h -r ren c:\boot\bcd bcd.old bootrec /RebuildBcd bootrec /fixmbr bootrec /fixboot hope that fixes your problem

the reference is http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Operating-System-and-Recovery/Windows-failed-to-start-Status-0xc000225-File-Boot-BCD/td-p/1300469

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