Is there any way for me to use Windows 8 in a dark environment? For a long time I had headaches that I couldn't fid their cause. Now, I'm using a dark visual style for my Windows 7 and since then, I haven't have any problems. Now I want to use Windows 8 release preview but I cannot find any way to use it in a dark theme/visual style. I've seen the files needed are patched but couldn't find any visual style. I also searched for 3rd party apps, nothing. I would very much appreciate if you could help me. Thanks.

Pictures below compare Explorer both in dark and Aero visual styles.

Dark Visual Style


  • 4
    How about dimming the monitor?
    – Moab
    Commented Jun 2, 2012 at 17:05
  • 2
    Not gonna help that much. I have it dimmed at max. Commented Jun 2, 2012 at 17:13
  • How about This one
    – avirk
    Commented Jun 2, 2012 at 17:24
  • 1
    Have you tried the High Contrast themes in the Personalize settings? Particularly #1, #2 and black. However they change metro too (IMO, for the worse). But these are more for disability and physical reasons, not beauty. I guess you fit under the physical reasons category. It might get you by until a real theme comes out. Commented Jun 3, 2012 at 12:50
  • 1
    @AlirezaNoori I experienced the same problems after looking at a monitor for several hours a day. This software helps A LOT: stereopsis.com/flux
    – 에이바
    Commented Jun 4, 2012 at 18:58

2 Answers 2


Themes for Windows 8 is a free website dedicated to changing the appearance of your PC or Tablet with different visual styles, themes, skin packs etc.....


Alternatively I have found this dark theme for Windows 8 on DeviantArt entitled Dark 8:

enter image description here

Available from: http://gr8stylex.deviantart.com/art/dark8-vs-for-windows-8-340960613

Skin Pack is another website to visually alter the appearance of your Windows 8, an example of a dark theme available called Equinox Skin Pack

enter image description here

Available from: http://www.skinpacks.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=89

This is just examples of two dark themes I found from those sites, but i'm sure a variety of others probably exist on them as well.

  • Your very welcome :)
    – Simon
    Commented Dec 8, 2012 at 21:14

Excerpt from my blog at http://anoori.me/

Las week, I mentioned I tried to switch over to Windows 8, but I couldn’t do so because it was so bright for me. After a couple of days, I upgraded some parts of my PC and since I wanted to check out the UEFI booting speed of Windows 8, I figured I’d give it another shot.

After installation, I knew that I have to make my OS dark, so, after installing drivers and basic software, I set out to make my OS as dark as possible.

The "Advanced Color and Appearance Settings" dialog isn’t there, but there are programs that are using it, so I head over to the beloved regedit and changed it through Windows Registry. Here is the key:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors]

enter image description here

I changed some colors, logged off and logged on again, started Microsoft Words and voila! It was dark. Good.

I started Photoshop and checked the best background for both dark and bright foreground texts. Turns out, it’s [55,55,57] in RGB format. Here’s the photo I’ve created:

enter image description here

As you can see, it tests the background against all kinds of foreground. I changed my all keys in the regedit and in case you’re interested, here's a copy for you to download. Just double click on it and restart your windows. (It works on Windows 7 too).

This made most of my OS dark, after that I set my Aero color to black and changed all the font size settings in

Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Display

to 11, clicked Apply to get a bigger font my OS.

I changed my Office theme to "Black", my Visual Studio to "Dark" theme, the Notepad++ to "Obsidian", etc.

enter image description here

The only remaining part was my Windows Explorer. I couldn’t change it without a Visual Style so for now, I’ve customized the NexusFile and using it as my primary file manager. It’s simple, has a black theme, it’s customizable and it has tabs. Here is a screenshot of it.

enter image description here

In addition to all these changes, I use f.lux for a while now. It changes your monitor's light depending on time of day. It's so awesome. I strongly recommend it. It is free and also available for Mac/Linux and iOS.

I'm using my Windows 8 for a week now. I just have some minor issues with it but in general I LOVE IT, more than Windows 7. It’s blazing fast. You should definitely try it.


  • @AzulShiva trusted who? Me? You can download the .reg file and see the contents of it before applying. It won't change your Windows in any way that it's unusable. Not sure what you're implying. I just backed up a couple of keys using regedit itself. Commented Jan 12, 2018 at 5:29

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