I’d like to backup my system with Robocopy and Powershell, but Robocopy is not able to copy open files. Volume Shadows Copy seems a solution but I can’t find any clear and simple explanation on how to use it. Is there any documentation out there that is clear and simple?

I’m running on Windows 7 x64 Enterprise. Thanks for your help. Franck


2 Answers 2


Check out the WMI Win32_ShadowCopy class. It has a Create method:

(Get-WmiObject -list win32_shadowcopy).Create("C:\","ClientAccessible")

I like DriveImage XML as a fully built VSS backup solution. It's free.


There is a open source project called HoboCopy which is a bit of a clone of RoboCopy but it will natively use the Volume Shadow Copy Service when trying to create it's backups.

  • FYI: HoboCopy has had no update since 2010. Its creator declares ShadoSpawn as a replacement but that has also seen no update since 2010.
    – ndemou
    Commented Dec 21, 2020 at 11:45

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