When we change Windows we have to download all Visual Studio 2010 updates with Windows Updater and install them again.
Is it possible to download Visual Studio 2010 Updates in an installing pack ?

  • Yes. When they show up in windows update, carefully analyze the screen. You'll have option like find out more about this update. When you click on it, you'll go to the update's site from which you can download it.
    – AndrejaKo
    Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 9:27
  • Well, How can we download all Updates in an installing pack !!! Is it possible ? Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 9:31
  • I think that microsoft doesn't provide such an option. There may be other programs that can download updates and provide packages which could be easier to install, but I can't recommend anything right now as haven't used one in very long time.
    – AndrejaKo
    Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 9:40
  • Service pack 1 is available for direct download here. Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 10:38
  • 1
    There is no such thing, other than service packs.
    – Daniel Beck
    Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 11:17

4 Answers 4


So, We can't do it at all to download all of VS2010 updates in an installing pack.

  • 1
    It is possible, just download them manually from Microsoft. Commented Feb 19, 2012 at 14:52

Some updates are only available via WindowsUpdate but after installing Visual Studio you can use the Web Platform installer to select and install any other package (SP1, MVC3, Windows Phone 7, Silverlight). All packages will then be downloaded and installed at once.

  • What about Security Updates ? Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 13:01
  • Security Updates are provided by WindowsUpdate.
    – ZippyV
    Commented Jan 17, 2012 at 13:24

I am not exactly sure what you mean with download in an installing pack, but if you want just the executable from Microsoft update you can try the command line tools WuInstall with the option

wuinstall /download_to <my_directory>

it should download you the install executables for the updates.

If you just want save updates by saving bandwidth see also the caching feature of WuInstall.


you can download New version Microsoft visual studio Community 2015


  • Why is the link you provided an unofficial link instead of directly from Microsoft? Please consider updating your link to be directly from Microsoft. The website you link to is extremely shady.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Aug 16, 2016 at 17:31

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