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Is it possible to automatically login in WinXP?

I always use only one account on my computer. I have a lot of programs in auto-start and I do need them all. The problem is that they take some time to load (for example flash game on facebook).

is there any way to do auto-login on the account and lock screen so no-one else can use my account?


1 Answer 1

  1. Run control userpasswords2 to setup auto-logon (by unchecking the box)
  2. Setup a short-cut in All Programs\Run or the Run registry key or use a sheduled task to run the command rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation to lock your computer right after log-on.
  • Holding down the SHIFT key during login will disable startup scripts. I'm not sure about scheduled tasks, though. Commented Oct 30, 2011 at 21:32

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