My music library consists of many collaborations between artists. At the moment it's displayed as "Artist 1 & Artist 2 - Album Name". But I want the same album to show up under both "Artist 1" and "Artist 2" rather than creating a whole new group for the 1 collaboration between them.

What's the best way to do this?

3 Answers 3


Write "Artist 1; Artist 2" to the artist tag. Foobar2000 supports multiple values for metadata fields.


Foobar will automatically split up the field if it is formatted like artist1 / artist2 (don't forget the spaces)

You can convert existing fields from another delimier like &, ,, ; to this. Simply go into the Properties of the Song -> rightclick on artist name -> split values

  • , isn't working for me but ; is working 🤷‍♂️ Commented Nov 19, 2019 at 13:37

Foobar considers multiple artists using the ";" (semicolon) separator between artist names without spaces


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