I know about Unison. Are there any decent free usenet readers for Mac OS X Leopard?

  • 1
    Perhaps you should edit the title to 'Free Usenet reader for Mac OSX' Commented Aug 5, 2009 at 2:11
  • done
    – fretje
    Commented Aug 5, 2009 at 12:22
  • My solution has been to use a Windows computer. Commented Aug 24, 2009 at 21:01

5 Answers 5


Mozilla Thunderbird does a decent job with usenet.

  • 2
    Doesn't seem to handle binaries very well. Commented Aug 5, 2009 at 16:32
  • Can't find a UI action to "Cancel" a posting in Thunderbird version 17.0.8
    – Pro Backup
    Commented Aug 22, 2013 at 11:23

You can get the standard *nix ones via Fink or MacPorts. I'm partial to slrn, but that's a console app. If you prefer a gui, there's Pan. I've used it on Linux, and it was good. I can't speak to how well it works in OS X. (The Pan webpage mentions OS X as supported, so that's a good start.)

If you are comfortable tracking down dependencies and compiling, you can also build these on a Mac without Fink or MacPorts, but the package managers make upgrades and removal a lot easier.

  • Works well but seems to be a memory hog. I will have to keep trying. Commented Aug 5, 2009 at 18:18

If you're after binary newsreader (i.e., you just want a tool to aggregate and reassemble binary postings), you might want to take a look at ninan - since its web/java based it should be pretty platform agnostic.


I second Pan (install via MacPorts). Thunderbird (v3.0.1) becomes painfully slow and often crashes with larger lists. Another option (though limited in the number of headers it will download) is: MT-Newswatcher http://www.smfr.org/mtnw/


I should go for NZBin

NZBin is a free Usenet client for the Mac OS X with a great GUI and has all features included (auto repairing, extracting, etc.). And it is the fastest client I've ever seen.

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