I have this USB flash drive with a Linux partition that I use inside VirtualBox.

Each time I insert it into the USB port, windows keeps asking if it should format it.

Is there anyway to disable Windows from asking that?

Disabling auto-run has not resolved the problem unfortunately. Windows will still check if the disk contains a partition it knows about, and ask to format if it doesn't know it.

RegEdit ScreenShot

Really nice try though, any other ideas?


3 Answers 3


Control Panel..Administrative Tools..Computer Management..Disk Management

Right-click on your drive and choose "Change Drive Letter and Paths", then choose "Remove".

  • 1
    Tested this under Windows 10 and works. Commented Oct 9, 2016 at 16:39

You could try using the registry key provided here to disable Autoplay for removable drives...

But, please note: I haven't tested that regkey and can't vouch for what it does, and disabling Autoplay for all removable drives is a bit of a nuclear option.

Alas, that's all a Google search managed to turn up.


You could try making it recognized after all by installing a file system driver, for example Ext2 Installable File System For Windows, which also works with ext3

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