I have the following devices:

  • Win10 laptop
  • Fritzbox 6590 Cable router
  • Synology DS218j connected directly to the router
  • a set of TP-Link TL-PA7017P AV1000 powerline adapters connected to the router and my laptop, respectively

When my laptop is connected via Wi-Fi, I can find/access the router and the NAS at 192.168.178.x without any problems.

When I'm connected via the TP-Link powerline adapters, I can access the internet but I cannot reach the router or the NAS. arp -a does not list the devices.

Any ideas what might be wrong in my configuration?


Edit: I noticed something weird. When connected via powerline, I cannot reach some websites either, e.g., reddit.com or superuser.com. Most others, e.g. google.com, work.

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  • Can you run a test with your laptop on Ethernet directly to a LAN port on your main router, without the powerline equipment in between? Powerline is not Ethernet and powerline adapters are infamous for being flaky in various ways.
    – Spiff
    Commented 2 days ago
  • Okay, sorry, I didn't know that. Everything works perfectly when I connect the laptop directly to the router via ethernet (not powerline).
    – achmed
    Commented yesterday


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