
I would like to use cmd or powershell commands to uninstall SourceTree from windows 10 machines on my network. The reason I need a terminal way is that I have to do this remotely and simultaneously for multiple PCs that happen to have this app installed.

Usually I would go to the installation path and then run uninst.exe or uninstall.exe or the app would have some flags for uninstalling. This one doesn't seem to have any special flags. An other way I tried is to create a .bat script and remove the files manually and AppData, but it is too tedious to manually clean the registry in this case. Can someone help me with this ?


1 Answer 1


I did little research and was able to find a cmd way to uninstall it. To uninstall it using cmd I was looking on the Process Explorer for cmd line of the msiexec.exe which gave me the command below

"C:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe" /qb /x {C2F82CF6-50FA-41FE-8000-1361A76223FA}

The last part, {C2F82CF6-50FA-41FE-8000-1361A76223FA}, is the app unique identifier (GUID). One way to find it is using the WMI command below:

wmic product get IdentifyingNumber, Name | findstr "SourceTree"

This could leave some files installed on C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Atlassian depending on how it was installed.

PS: I randomly get -1 vote for no reason and most of the time without an explanation of why I deserve -1 vote! Is there something wrong with this community?

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