I'm seeking guidance on how to disable or limit the Tor functionality within the Brave browser on my macOS system. While I appreciate the privacy aspects that Tor integration provides, I have specific requirements that necessitate disabling this feature.

I maintain a list of forbidden websites blocked by my host files, using https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts as a reference. This method works for regular Brave or other browsers, such as Chrome. Unfortunately, it does not work for Brave when using Tor in private windows.

My objective is to enforce these restrictions on the Tor browser. If that's not possible, I would like to entirely disable or remove the Tor functionality from Brave. Alternatively, hiding or disabling the option in the browser interface, or at least the keyboard shortcut, would be sufficient.

I have attempted the following. There is this path on my macOS:

/Users/pedro/Library/Application Support/BraveSoftware/Brave-Browser/tor/data

I tried fiddling with the torrc file and added:

MapAddress *.twitter.com

However, this does not work. I can still access twitter on Tor Browser.

What do you suggest?


@harrymc suggested disabling Tor browser on the brave's extensions. Unfortunately, this option does not seem to exist:

enter image description here

But, after searching for it, I found this and successfully disable it: enter image description here

2 Answers 2


You can disable Tor in Brave by navigating to brave://settings/extensions and then Toggle Tor off.

(I don't know how to do that for specific sites.)

  • Thanks for trying to help. Unfortunately, I believe that executing your suggestion is not possible. See my updated question. I inserted a print screen. Commented Jan 5 at 19:35

You can modify a group policy setting to disable Tor in Brave.

It's simpler to do it directly in the registry.

Navigate to this path: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Policies\BraveSoftware\Brave

Create a REG_DWORD called TorDisabled. Set the value to 1.

Detailed information is available here: https://support.brave.com/hc/en-us/articles/360039248271-Group-Policy

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