All the guides that I managed to find (namely this one, this and this) seems to be pre 22H2. The Control Panel section named Hardware and SoundDevices and Printers seems to be no longer exiting in 22H2.

Anyway, when I am clicking Devices and Printers (as instructed) instead of getting to good-old Control Panel view, I am redirected to Settings application to Bluetooth & devices section. And there is no even a trace of Rename functionality:

enter image description here

So... How to rename Bluetooth device in Windows 11 22H2? Or how to access Bluetooth's properties in this edition of Windows (where I should be able to rename a device).

  • 2
    Microsoft names them so as not to conflict. You probably need a registry hack to do what you want and then the hack will disappear with 23H2. I do not bother any more.
    – anon
    Commented Jun 23, 2023 at 12:25
  • (1) When in Settings > Devices > Bluetooth & other devices., if you click the device, do you have a pencil icon next to the name and can you click it to rename? (2) Run Device Manager, expand Bluetooth, click your device, click menu Action > Devices and Printers, double-click the device and go to the Bluetooth tab and change the name. Even if it works it might take a while to see.
    – harrymc
    Commented Jun 23, 2023 at 13:01
  • 1
    @John As you can see in the depicted example, Microsoft does this very wrong and in fact do the conflict. I have two Edifier headphones, one at home and one at the office. Non of them is able to auto-connect after powering up. So each must be connected manually from my Windows. 95% of tries (as according to Murphy Laws) I am connecting the wrong one. Veeeery frustrating.
    – trejder
    Commented Jun 23, 2023 at 13:05
  • 1
    I cannot see any settings to change the name. Very newest Windows 11. Microsoft naming should accommodate similar devices.
    – anon
    Commented Jun 23, 2023 at 13:07
  • 1

1 Answer 1


It was a bit hidden, I have Windows in Polish, so I'm adding a step-by-step screenshoot.

Bluetooth settings -> More devices settings and printers -> Right click on device and Properties -> Bluetooth and you can now set new name. When you reconnect devices, the names will update.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

  • 2
    This is the exact way that is discussed in comments under question. For some reason, under my Windows 11 Pro this doesn't work at all. Changed name is accepted (no error after renaming the way you has shown and clicking OK), but never actually reflected (device name is not changed). I don't know why. Do you have Windows 11 Pro 22H2? Cause I suspect that 22H2 edition introduced the idea of no user rename for Bluetooth devices.
    – trejder
    Commented Jul 2, 2023 at 14:06
  • Yes, this is the latest stable bulid 10.0.22621.1848. Unfortunately, default name returns after restarting. It's very strange that Windows can't save these changes. Commented Jul 3, 2023 at 22:35
  • 1
    Łukasz, no, it is absolutely not very strange that Windows doesn't allow you to do something that you think is obvious! :) This is "The Microsoft way", a policy that Microsoft has for 40-50 years so far. Many, many years ago they'd a marketing slogan "Where do you want to go today?". During these times we were joking that no matter what you answer to that question, they will always take you there, where they want! :)
    – trejder
    Commented Jul 5, 2023 at 10:13
  • This solution also doesn't work for me (I have the most recent version of Win 11 with all updates).
    – krm
    Commented Sep 6, 2023 at 9:25
  • I see no "Bluetooth" tab at all... Commented May 4 at 12:24

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