I originally installed Windows onto my computer, so it had the default 100MB EFI Partition. Recently, I wanted to dual boot Arch and Windows 11, so I resized the partition from 100MB to 598MB (an arbitrary number). However, I checked my available space using command prompt, and it shows there's only 96MB of total space. Is there something I need to do to use the full space? Command Prompt disk space Disk Management disk space


1 Answer 1


You have increased the allocation for the EFI partition, but you have not resized the file-system in the partition. This is why Disk Management reports 598 MB, while fsutil still reports the old value of 96 MB.

To correctly resize the partition, you need to resize it from a bootable USB media using a third-party product that will resize both the partition and its file-system.

Ensure you have good backups before doing any partition editing.

For more information see the post How to enlarge Windows 10 EFI partition.

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