I'm using Logitech's K860 keyboard on a Macbook and haven't found any way to output the greater or less than symbols. This keyboard is set up to ISO (Latin America).

The shift key is working correctly and every other symbol is okay as well.

Also, the Ergo keyboard has a key that's supposed to output both symbols on shift-pressed (and not pressed). But all I'm getting is the following:

  • < : |
  • .> : °

I would appreciate a lot any help.

Edit: I just found that switching the layout to ISO (Spanish) allows me to use an entirely different key to produce the <> symbols. But it also messes up with the rest of shortcut combinations, so it doesn't feel like an actual solution.

Edit 2: Attaching a picture of my keyboard layout Logitech keyboard layout

  • 1
    We probably need a photo of the keyboard itself. Logitech make several versions of the same keyboard & those keys may naturally move depending on 'nationality' as well as input language.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Sep 20, 2022 at 18:00
  • Got it @Tetsujin , just included a link to the photo.
    – juanguren
    Commented Sep 21, 2022 at 20:10

3 Answers 3


After figuring out how to solve this issue, I found this repo https://github.com/neosergio/Latam-Keyboard. It's custom layout for LatinAmerican Keyboards, if you take a look to the repository you'll have more information

I had run this command

git clone https://github.com/neosergio/Latam-Keyboard.git && cd Latam-Keyboard && cp -v Latam*.* ~/Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/

After you had run the script go to "Open Keyboard preferences" And add a new Input Source:


(Add > Others > "Latin American B")

In my case "Latin American B" did the trick but you can play with A B or C.

I hope it can help.

  • Hey this is it! after getting a mbp with Ventura I had this issue with a Logitech K380 and a K400+ keyboards. Tried Karabiner but couldn't get the correct layout setup. Using this repo configs really fixed for me for the < and > keys.
    – Francisco
    Commented Aug 9, 2023 at 15:53
  • Finally, so amazing answer, thanks! For me it was Latin America A
    – z1lV3r
    Commented Jan 22 at 19:56

In my case I had to change the keyboard type.

Open settings -> Keyboard -> Change Keyboard Type

enter image description here

Then you will see the assistant which will ask you to click on the button beside the shift key, then you can choose your keyboard type, I chose ANSI (U.S) and it solved the problem.

enter image description here


You can configure your keyboard to use this ‹› characters using the Logi Options software, it is no the best solution but it works, using a combination of keys to use the ascii code. enter image description here enter image description here

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