My text editor (vile.exe) has no menu bar. In Win 10 (mine, anyway), it also has no title bar. Sometimes, when moving this window, I inadvertently cause it to maximize. Once thus, I haven't found a way to change the size back to what it was. In particular, 'size' is grayed-out in the ALT-SPACE pop-up menu.

How might I undo the 'maximization' of this window? Thanks

  • Right-click on its icon in the taskbar, then click Restore?
    – Gantendo
    Commented Nov 8, 2021 at 18:45

1 Answer 1


Turns out, there is a title bar. On the maximized window, it just slips behind the Windows Task Bar, which I put at the top of the screen.

So, using ALT-SPACE 'Move', and arrow keys, I can move the title bar down to where I can get at it, and restore the original size.

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