How do I export calendar events in Mozilla Lightning?

I'm using Thunderbird 3.0.4.

(Sorry for such a basic question, but clicking on "Help contents" takes me to http://support.mozillamessaging.com/en-US/kb/ , and searching the knowledge base for lightning export got zero hits, and searching for export only got one irrelevant hit)

4 Answers 4


To export selected events from Thunderbird (not whole calendars):

  1. Select the events to export in the calendar view (multi-selection using Ctrl)
  2. Hit Ctrl+C
  3. Create a new text file in a text editor
  4. Ctrl+V there
  5. Save the file with ending .ics
  • For real? Thunderbird does not have the ability to export single events with one click into files or even its own emails? I am afraid I will have to give you a +1.
    – quazgar
    Commented Dec 7, 2022 at 13:53

Found it ... it was under "Events and Tasks".

  • 5
    It's worth mentioning that this exports the entire calendar and not just one event. I'm still searching for a method to export a single event in TB/Lightning 17.0.
    – ViperGeek
    Commented Jan 21, 2013 at 21:39

Cool. 12 years later this still works:

  • copy event from thunderbird
  • paste in text-editor
  • save as .ics
  • doubleclick .ics file
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    – Toto
    Commented Oct 7, 2022 at 16:12

this tip helped me a lot : https://superuser.com/a/1632510/1759195

I was looking on the mozilla website and neither has this explanation or I didn't find it

  • 1
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