I wanted to update contact in the same row. Both rows have the same email account, first row has no contact, second row has contact. How do I update the contact in first row.

enter image description here

Updated problem I used the suggested solution. But when there is not all the account has 2 rows. It will get the wrong contact. Just like [email protected] enter image description here

enter image description here


2 Answers 2


Follow these steps:

  • select column D
  • hit F5 or Ctrl+G to open the Go To dialog
  • Click Special
  • Tick Blanks and hit OK. Now all blank cells are selected.
  • without changing the selection, type a = character and hit the down arrow key. That will enter a formula that refers to the cell below.
  • hold down the Ctrl key and hit Enter. Now all selected cells contain a formula that refers to the cell below.
  • Select and copy column D, then paste as values.
  • Thanks for your reply. Can you take a look for my question. I have added 2 images. @teylyn. When not all the accounts have 2 rows. It will get the wrong contact.
    – e12345678
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 6:24
  • 1
    Sort your data so the filled cell comes first and the rows with the blank cell comes after that. Then use my approach, but use the UP arrow instead the DOWN arrow. That will work.
    – teylyn
    Commented Jun 23, 2021 at 9:38

You can use another column with the formula below. Drag it down to fill the other cells.


Note that if a contact number is blank, it will appear as a 0.

Formula results

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