So I followed solution here: Script to create folder with same name as file and move file into folder. I want to create folder with same name as file in a folder, and move them into that folder.

for file in *; do if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then mkdir "${file%.*}"; mv "$file" "${file%.*}"; fi; done

And it works perfectly fine.
But after doing that, I want to zip those folders into individual zip files, and I followed solution here: command to zip multiple directories into individual zip files.

for file in *; do zip -r "${file%.*}.zip" "$file"; rm -R "$file"; done

The question is, how can I combine those 2 into 1-time command? I'm new to coding and I still don't know how to combine those 2 into 1 command.


1 Answer 1


You can combine them in a script file. However second command delete files after compressing. So you need to add a location parameter.

Create a file text file called zipfoldered.sh (with gedit or nano) make it executable

sudo chmod +x zipfoldered.sh

paste this into the file

(cd $1
for file in *; do if [[ -f "$file" ]]; then mkdir "${file%.*}"; mv "$file" "${file%.*}"; fi; done
for file in *; do zip -r "${file%.*}.zip" "$file"; rm -R "$file"; done )

You can now call the script with a location to run :

./wherever_it_is/zipfoldered.sh myFolder

myFolder being the folder where the files to be zipped are located ...

you can remove location parameter removing (cd $1 and the ) at the end. So that the script will run locally but surely it will compress and delete itself too ...

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