I'm on pfSense Community Edition 2.4.5-RELEASE-p1

I assigned some static DHCP mappings on one of my LAN interfaces

If I try to reach any one of those static mapped hosts by its Hostname (or by Client Id), pfSense does not resolve its IP address.

I understand I can solve this by enabling the DNS Forwarder and maybe using overrides but that doesn't look like the proper solution.

I didn't have this problem before switching to pfSense, when I was using a consumer device (Netgear R7000 all-in-1 router/firewall/switch/access point) but I guess it used dnsmasq internally, not unbound as the pfSense DNS Resolver does.

What should I change, either in pfSense or in the hosts configuration?

1 Answer 1


Under Services, DNS Resolver: scroll down and check "DHCP Registration" and "Static DHCP"

  • 1
    Thanks, this worked for me Commented Oct 17, 2021 at 21:02

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