I am working in a setting where we can expect to lose power several times a day and I want to get a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) in order to keep the computers running.

Are there any uninterruptible power supplies which do not emit loud high-pitched screeching sounds every-time that I lose power?

How much time would it take to disassemble the UPS, cut the wires to the speaker, cap the speaker wires with wire nuts, and put the housing back-together?

  • Get a good quality UPS. You need a fair size one to run several computers. Allow 400 to 500 watts for each computer/monitor. Then look at the GUI Setup screen to see if the sound can be turned off. Mine just beeps quietly.
    – anon
    Commented Nov 14, 2020 at 18:11
  • This question is absolutely out of scope. I just want to point out there is typically a button to silence the alarm.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Nov 14, 2020 at 18:42

1 Answer 1


Unfortunately I don't know about any model/brand with no audible alert (or with a software option to disable the alert).

Time to modify an UPS will depend on the model - my guess is half an hour at maximum.

Don't expect to see a speaker with cables, but a piezo buzzer in a tiny plastic housing (probably black, round shape, about 10mm diameter and 6mm height, with a center hole) mounted directly to a circuit board - an UPS won't have to play music, but just to emit those noise. So you might have to open two solder connections to remove the buzzer. Just leave the contacts disconnected.


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