The command nautilus does't show any window and does't return. There is no error message.

I tried apt purge nautilus && apt install nautilus and reboot without any success.

I am using Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) and Gnome 3.30.2.

My more general question is how to track this kind of issue? Is there any log file where gnome prints warnings and errors?

1 Answer 1


Actually nautilus took around 30min to finally open...

I think I found the issue.

The program tracker was using a lot of CPU and RAM. Not only nautilus was very long to open, but all my computer was very slow (to open firefox, gedit..., enter some text, switch windows...). I remembered that I recently downloaded around 10G of data contained in several millions of txt files.

I removed these files and everything runs fine now!

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