so my OS goes in complete lockdown (no mouse or keyboard response) roughly once a day now (only fixed by rebooting) and I decided to do something about it. After some research, I found out that the lockdown is probably shown as a critical-"Kernel-Power"-event in the event viewer and is always preceded by an error with the source "Microsoft-Windows-EnhancedStorage-EhStorTcgDrv". After some more research I found following thread:


This describes my problem pretty accuartely, except that there is one more error with the following signature before every lockdown:

''' - System

  • Provider

    [ Name] Microsoft-Windows-EnhancedStorage-EhStorTcgDrv [ Guid] {aa3aa23b-bb6d-425a-b58c-1d7e37f5d02a}

    EventID 10

    Version 0

    Level 2

    Task 1

    Opcode 57

    Keywords 0x8000000000000000

  • TimeCreated

    [ SystemTime] 2020-04-01T19:04:13.721708500Z

    EventRecordID 4713


  • Execution

    [ ProcessID] 4 [ ThreadID] 8

    Channel System

    Computer DESKTOP-0SPFNHM

  • Security

    [ UserID] S-1-5-18

    • EventData

    Description AuthenticateSession Param1 0x1 Param2 0x60000001c Param3 0x900000006 Param4 0x0 CmdStatus 0x12 '''

After I updated all the drivers and the issue still happened, I tried to follow the solution in the thread above and even made another thread about it here (AM4 RAID-driver install on existing Win10 without wanting to actually use a RAID-setup) just to find out, that since I have an AMD based system and not an Intel based one, the solution doesn't apply to me and MSI did not release any drivers I could install instead of the microsoft-storage-contoller. So it seems like I am back to square one. Does anybody have an idea how to fix this issue on an AMD based system?

  • When you say you updated all drivers, did you also update BIOS? You should do that.
    – anon
    Commented Apr 4, 2020 at 12:22


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