I am running MS Access 2016 in Office. Yesterday I un-installed the 32 bit version and installed 64 bit Office and Access. Now Access will not run. As a specific case, I have created a query using the function

Rep: Replace([field1],"s","a") 

Which gives me #Error with no further information.

If I use the textbook example

a: InStr("Hello","L") 

It gives me error "Argument Count Mismatch".

I have created Table1 with one field Field1 containing "Name___Surname".


b: InStr([Table1]![Field1],"_") 

Gives me #Error.

The SQL for the last example is

SELECT Table1.Field1, InStr([Table1]![Field1],"_") AS b
FROM Table1; 

This also gives me #Error.

Do I need to re-install the 32 bit version or should I persist trying to get the 64 bit version to work?

1 Answer 1


To decide which version, read Choose between the 64-bit or 32-bit .

If you still want to use x64 read the Compatibility Inspector user's guide

  • Office x64 needs matching libaries (references), or prevents VBA-Functions to work, likeReplace() Check Tools->References in VBA-Ide for not working links to libaries (the one for VBA is the first, and if one is not working, all are broken.)

  • Win-API calls needs to be converted to x64

  • ActiveX-Controls need an x64 version.

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