I set up a linux server and created a new user. When trying to connect to the server via user@ip i get the message Permission denied. Please try again. after entering the password.

When logging in via su - user from my user this works without problems, so the password schould be correct.

I checked if the user is locked which is not the case.

I also checked the sshd_config: PasswordAuthentication yes.

I also tried adding the user to AllowedUsers: AllowUsers my_user user

All of this didn't work.

  • @KamilMaciorowski Ah, thanks, that was the solution. Commented May 8, 2019 at 12:09

2 Answers 2


If AllowUsers … was there before and you only added user to the line, you should reload sshd. Without reloading the old config still applies, so the old AllowUsers … line restricts you from logging in as user.

With systemd you reload the configuration of SSH server like this:

systemctl reload ssh.service

(restarting the server will also work).


A had the similar issue.

Heres what I found out and solved my issue:

I had edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file.

I had to uncomment:

"#PermitRootLogin yes"


"#PublicAuthentication yes"

and had to comment:

"#PasswordAuthentication yes"

Then had to erase the old ssh keys:

rm -rf /home/user/.ssh

Then did:

ssh [email protected]

This solved my issue, I created a new ssh fingerprint key, then was asked to enter the login password of the host remote machine.

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