I recently used efitools' keytool.efi to save the EFI secure boot keys from my UEFI firmware. I now have a few .esl files that contain EFI signature lists, but they are binaries, and I would like to take a look at the content in a readable format.

Apparently these signatures generally start out as X.509 certificates and get converted to .esl using a tool such as cert-to-efi-sig-list; Is there a way to go backwards?

2 Answers 2


The efitools package contains the sig-list-to-certs tool, which allows you to extract DER-encoded X.509 certificates from the .esl files (e.g. to extract and print out the first KEK certificate):

efi-readvar -v KEK -o 'old_kek.esl'
sig-list-to-certs 'old_kek.esl' 'oldkek'
openssl x509 -in 'oldkek-0.der' -inform der -noout -text

Repeat the openssl command with oldkek-N.der for the other certificates, if there are more than one. Pass PK, db, and dbx to v- in the efi-readvar command to read the platform key and db white- and blacklists respectively.

  • 1
    This works for certificates. For hashes (such as in the dbx) you can pass them through xxd -p -c32 < $basefile-0.hash. The manpage for this tool is entirely unhelpful.
    – Huckle
    Commented Jan 12, 2020 at 7:29

Found a nice little EFI utility written by fpmurphy that prints human-readable information about the keys on a system and he wrote an informative blog post about this as well.

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