I am using the following netsh command successfully:

netsh http add sslcert ipport= appid={7B8DB713-2C51-41B5-AE6F-6DAA07833DBE} certhash=69fed34fdf164e7feac5e17823b94d0f30ab05c5

but when I change the "ipport=..." to "hostnameport" it doesn't work:

netsh http add sslcert hostnameport=localhost:9000 appid={7B8DB713-2C51-41B5-AE6F-6DAA07833DBE} certhash=69fed34fdf164e7feac5e17823b94d0f30ab05c5

I get the following error: SSL Certificate add failed, Error: 87 The parameter is incorrect.

This is the ONLY THING I've changed in the command. I am still running as administrator, same exact command prompt. Why am I getting this error?

1 Answer 1


The problem is a bug in the netsh command. When using "hostnameport" you must also add the "certstorename=MY" parameter. This is the default value for certstorename, and it is explicitly documented as optional. So my new command is:

netsh http add sslcert hostnameport=localhost:9000 appid={7B8DB713-2C51-41B5-AE6F-6DAA07833DBE} certhash=69fed34fdf164e7feac5e17823b94d0f30ab05c5 certstorename=MY
  • 1
    Reading the content of the ? command, it does state that certstorename is required for hostname configurations. Seems arbitrary, and thanks to your searching I found what I needed. The help docs: certstorename - Store name for the certificate. Required for Hostname based configurations. Defaults to MY for IP based configurations. Certificate must be stored in the local machine context. Commented Jul 7, 2022 at 20:06

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