My setting for replying in Thunderbird is 'plain text', which I find handiest for replying between the quoted lines starting with '>' (and replies to replies with '>>' and so on).

When I reply to an originally-HTML message with a long line, it only gets a '>' once. If I want it displayed with '>' at the start I need to do the wrapping myself.

So if I get the message

I am sending you this really long line, so if you want to have any word wrapping done you'll have to do it yourself!

then in my reply it will look like this

 > I am sending you this really long line, so if you want to have any word wrapping done you'll have to do it yourself!

but can Thunderbird be set to do something like

> I am sending you this really long line, so if you want to 
> have any word wrapping done you'll have to do it yourself!


1 Answer 1


It works for me in OSX and Linux Thunderbird v.60. It's on the Ctrl-R key, or Rewrap on the Edit menu when composing a message. (You have to select the section you want to re-wrap, and it works best when you select at least one empty line [containing only a '> '] at the end of a section.)

When it works right, it's great; but sometimes it gets confused and you end up rewrapping by hand.

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