I have one Desktop PC which is connected to internet through WiFi (WiFi adapter) and another PC that should be connected to the internet to via first one.

I plugged Ethernet cable between two PCs, but doesn't work. I am using Windows 7 in both PCs.

How to connect these two computers so that they both have internet and LAN to share docs between each other and other PCs those connected to WiFi router?

1 Answer 1


You might try to change the tcp/ip configuration manually.

On the PC with wireless

  • right click on the Network icon

  • click on Network center

  • click on Adapter options

  • right click on LAN-adapter

  • click on "Bridge connection"

  • wait to see active a new bridge icon

  • right click on the bridge-adapter

  • choose tcp/ip options

  • in the IP field assign an IP e.g.

  • in the Subnet field assign e.g. or the same as for wlan- network

  • in the gateway field assign the IP form your WLAN modem (see WLAN-adapter-status-details or ipv4 options)

  • in the DNS 1 field assign the gateway-IP

  • click ok

  • disable bridge adapter and reenable it after few seconds

On the PC without wireless

  • right click on the Network icon

  • click on Network center

  • click on Adapter options

  • right click on LAN-adapter

  • click on options

  • choose tcp/ip options

  • in the IP field assign an IP e.g.

  • in the Subnet field assign e.g. or the same as for wlan- network

  • in the gateway field assign the IP form your WLAN modem (see WLAN-adapter-status-details or ipv4 options)

  • in the DNS 1 field assign the gateway-IP

  • click ok

If this don't work

  • In the tcp/ip options choose the "share" tab

  • enable "allow other computers in the network to use internet"

  • click ok

  • Depending on nics, you may also need a cross-over cable. Most have mdi-x these days though. Commented Apr 2, 2018 at 14:02
  • I have tried this already, but it doesn't work
    – Valeme
    Commented Apr 3, 2018 at 7:46
  • You need to bridge it, see the edit.
    – Tech-IO
    Commented Apr 3, 2018 at 14:52

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