I can't copy text out of some web pages. I assume this is because the page somehow disables the Ctrl-C key.

I tried to use the Developer Web Console in Firefox and that did not work either. Here is a screen shot:

copy problem

In the screen shot above, you can see I am trying to copy the text in a paragraph span which I have isolated in the Inspector (the text begins "65 Market Street..."). Nevertheless, when I open up the context menu, copying is grayed out and disabled, as you can see.

How can I copy the text?

  • You refer to greenlightre.ky right? For me, right-click works fine :/
    – leun4m
    Commented Mar 1, 2018 at 14:45
  • I just discovered: Make sure, you select the element which contains the text, not the text itself.
    – leun4m
    Commented Mar 1, 2018 at 14:46


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