BACKGROUND: We've got a personal macro workbook that is shared among all people in a certain job role. It makes their jobs much easier and over time many processes have become dependent upon these macros. The macros have evolved over time and I am seeking to control the deployed version across all systems. I have an update, for example, that I would like to push out now so that everyone has the same, new, version of the macro workbook.

PROBLEM: The destination of XLSTART is not reliable across versions and even within a single version of Excel I have found that different editions could have different paths. I need to deploy this to a large number of computers and the installed version could be anything from 2003-2016

QUESTION: Is there a reliable way to find the XLSTART directory without listing every possibility of every version of Excel ever?


Someone used to do this manually but we are getting too big for that. Currently, I have been building a batch file that lists every possible path to XLSTART and it feels stupid. I am hoping that there is a better way that I am unaware of.

I thought it would be nice if there was an %XLSTART% variable but we have a couple of users who have multiple versions of Excel installed. (I know, don't ask). So on these systems I need to install the macro workbook in to multiple paths so that the macros are available in multiple versions of Excel installed on the same PC.

  • Where is the Excel Personal Macro Workbook Located?
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 20:39
  • Search the registry for keys containing the string Excel\InstallRoot and add \xlstart at the end of the string found.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 20:41
  • The first comment just confirms that there are a bunch of possible paths. The registry idea might be viable. I found that the actual path is in a key called (Default) under "ClickToRunStore\Applications" but that location would be different if you didn't have a clicktorun version. The only key that matches Excel\InstallRoot is a DWORD that holds a zero value.
    – HackSlash
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 21:15

2 Answers 2


Thank to @DavidPostill for the idea. Here is the final solution based on his idea of getting the path from the registry. It's a deployment script written in PowerShell:

<#  Deploy-XLSTART.ps1  #>
  [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
  [Parameter(Mandatory=$false, Position=1)]
  [string]$script:LogFile = "$env:TEMP\XLSTARTDeploymentLog.csv"

# Only copy to a folder that exists and return false if it doesn't.
function Copy-Results {param( $source, $destination )
    if (Test-Path $destination) {
        Write-Output "Copy to: $($destination)" 
        Copy-Item -path $source -destination $destination -force
        return $true

    return $false

# Main
$script:XLKey = "Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\excel.exe"
$script:XLValue = "Path"
$script:XLSTARTPath = "$((Get-ItemProperty -Path $script:XLKey -Name $script:XLValue).$script:XLValue)XLSTART\"

if  (Copy-Results -source $script:DeployFile -destination $script:XLSTARTPath) {
    $script:ResultsFile = Get-Item -Path "$script:DeployFile" -Force
    Add-Content -path $script:LogFile "$Env:Computername,$script:XLSTARTPath,$script:ResultsFile.LastWriteTime"
} else {
    Add-Content -path $script:LogFile "$Env:Computername,File Not Found"
    exit 3

Write your macros code in the Excel sheet means in VB part and save the file as

Excel Add-In(*.xlam) Or

Excel 97-2003 Add-In(*.xla)

And import them in other systems via File -> Options -> Add-Ins Under Manage Label Select Excel Add-Ins and click go

In the next dialog Click browse button and browse your created Add-In file.

All functions will be available without creating macros in all systems.

Note: .xla files are supported in all versions prior to the software version.

Hope it help.

  • I think you misunderstand. Your suggestion is an even longer manual process. Before I was just copying a file to a remote computer. Your suggestion requires someone to be logged in or physically at the computer. I used the word "deployment" because I am talking about remotely adding the macro sheet to hundreds of computers simultaneously.
    – HackSlash
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 20:14

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