I think I did a really bad thing. I tried for several hours to get the SSH login without password working – it would not work for some reason. I changed the permissions of my home folder, added the authorized_keys file etc. – I read all the 100 tutorials.

I thought, hey, maybe it is just because the default PasswordAuthentication no option is not working. So I added it – et voila, now I can't log in anymore.

Any idea what to do? Reset the whole NAS?

  • I'm not familiar with this particular hardware, but unless it's some really cheap piece of j*, surely it has some recovery mechanism short of an all-out factory reset?
    – user
    Commented May 19, 2017 at 16:30

2 Answers 2


Have you tried going to "Terminal and SNMP" in the control panel, disabling the SSH service (click Apply) and then re-enable it?


You are completely out of luck with ssh now. Switch to telnet protocol to reverse the change and put PasswordAuthentication yes. Keep trying

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