So I like to watch YouTube videos as I fall asleep. It's odd but it's how I am. Anyway I like to watch them in full screen but I want the monitor to turn off after about a minute as I would like my eyes to be better and also I really only care about the audio/background noise.

So, how can I let Windows turn off my monitor (not to sleep or anything like that) while a full screen YouTube video (or really anything in Chrome) is playing?

2 Answers 2


Not sure about how to do that with a delay, but there is a simple way to just turn of your monitor right away:

Go to Power Settings, and open advanced power settings for the plan you are using. Expand "Power Buttons and Lid", and change the Power Button action to "turn off the display". Now whenever you want to turn off the screen, just hit the power button.

  • Well I have it set to turn off the monitor after 2 minutes. The problem is it won't if YouTube is playing or in full screen but I WANT IT to.
    – Sie
    Commented Dec 18, 2016 at 3:51
  • This is why, using this method, you can simply turn the monitor off right away instead of waiting for a delay
    – Blaine
    Commented Dec 29, 2016 at 3:26

I'm like you, I like to hear talks in the background while I drift off to sleep. This particular issue drove me absolute bonkers last night when my "Night" power plan, which turns off the monitor after a few minutes, didn't work while a Youtube video was playing on my desktop PC.

Today I found the solution! You can use the powercfg command (from an administrator command-line prompt) like this, as explained in this MS Learn page:

powercfg /requestsoverride process chrome.exe display

Using /requestsoverride without parameters lists the current overrides.

To delete any set override, just run process file.exe not followed by anything, eg to undo the above command for Chrome, run:

powercfg /requestsoverride process chrome.exe

There is also a Group Policy (as described here) that can achieve this effect but it seems less granular than the powercfg interface.

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